MindMyMinistry is a worship planning system. It automates various aspects of coordinating your weekend services, and gives everyone a clean, uncomplicated view of the information they need to do their tasks efficiently.
Communication between church staff members and volunteers can often be a large burden, especially if teams are led by people who are already very busy. Excel sheet rosters broadcasted to everyone seems a great solution, but what happens when everyone replies with changes? (See our blog article about why worship planning in Excel is a bad idea). MindMyMinistry overcomes this by automatically sending out emails to remind people about upcoming rehearsals and services, and also provides a bulk email tool that can be used to communicate with your team effectively on an ad-hoc basis.
Another pain point for churches is worship song management. Using an online storage service to store all your MP3s, chord sheets, sheet music and lyric files might be an option, but it is easy to underestimate the amount of time spent by musicians matching up the songs to those on the service plan or setlist. Add to that the complexities of multiple keys for each song and you have a nightmare on your hands! Our system provides an easy to use song database that the church can build on. This acts like a repository for all your songs, and even tracks the different keys that a song was transposed into - so that you can select the appropriate key when adding a song to a service.
MindMyMinistry also tracks which of your team members are away on leave. When services are created, the system will alert you if someone is scheduled to serve when they are away. No more last-minute "sorry, I'm away" phone calls!
We are building great new features every month, so MindMyMinistry keeps getting better. If there is something that your current system doesn't do, let us know and we'll see if it might be something we can add into our system for the benefit of all users.
Sign up to MindMyMinistry today! (Free 30 day trial, no credit card required)