MindMyMinistry currently supports the following types of attachments to songs in your song library:
- Audio files (MP3, WMA, M4A etc). These files are uploaded as-is and the person downloading/playing the file needs to have the right software installed if it is a less common format. We recommend to stick to MP3, and M4A for this reason.
- Chord sheets, lyrics and sheet music - We support any document format but recommend PDF so that all users can easily view these attachments.
- Spotify links - You can paste a link to any Spotify track and we will show an embedded Spotify player to any user who has Spotify installed on their computer or mobile. Playing the track is then as easy as clicking a button.
- Youtube clips - You can also paste any Youtube link into MindMyMinistry and we'll automatically add a video player into the song detail screen. Playing a video is then a single click.
Of course you can upload any content you like (as long as it works with our terms and conditions) - just keep in mind that whoever downloads them will have to have the necessary software installed to read them.